Hey guys! I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been really busy with cheerleading piano band and school. I am currently trying to redo my room. I want to do a bed where I have a desk underneath. I think its called a loft bed and desk. but anyway. I am hoping to have a bigger space to work blog at! anyway. I have been on fall break since last Thursday. and I have loved every second. Thursday is went to the hospital and visited my friend who broke his femur in a football game and went to our family farm. Friday I went to the football game. Saturday I cleaned my room and had a movie night with some friends. yesterday I went to church and after that we went and ate dinner with my family. I really don't want to go to school tomorrow..... anyway. have a good night!!!!!!! :)
Wow. today has gone by really fast. Crazy Crayola day went very well. Tomorrow is Pajama Day. Anyway, forget about Spirit Week. I just want to share something with yall. As some of you may know, Auburn is my favorite team. Cody Parkey plays on Auburn's football team; He posted something on Instagram that said " A team that prays together stay together." That was really cool. The picture was all of the starters, in a huddle and they were praying. That is really cool. It is really cool how one senior can make a whole difference of a football team of like 100 people. ( that's just an estimate:)If we take time to be leaders in our schools/ work places then we can change the world. One by One we can make a difference.
Today wasn't a very good day today. In P.E. in the first 5 minuets of class, I got nailed in the face with a soccer ball then, my lip got busted open by a basketball. Anyway.  At school in Bible we are doing the Bible Study Not a Fan. It is very good. I want to share something Kyle Idleman put in his book. It says “Following Jesus will cost you something. Following Jesus always costs
something.”   ―     Kyle Idleman,     Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of
( if you want to read more of Kyle Idleman's book " not a fan." go to the website below:
I have to go. I will post a pic of my crazy pajama's!!!!
Saved With Amazing Grace
Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't really been writing. This year has gotten off to a great start so far. I have the most amazing little girl that I am encouraging and helping through the year and stuff like that! She is so sweet. This weekend, was "challenge weekend" at my church. It was so much fun.  I am so blessed to have amazing friends and Sunday School teachers in the world! I am super excited because this week at my school is " Spirit Week" because our Homecoming is on Friday. Each day we dress up as a certain category. 
Moday- "Crazy Crayola Day"
Tuesday-"Pajama Day"
Wednesday-"Western Day"
Thursday- "Favorite Sports Team Day"
Friday-"SCA DAY"
This week is going to be a blast! I am so glad I go to a school where I can learn about God and still be able to have my friends by my side and my little sister( the girl I am helping) at my side through anything. I have to go! I am going to post my costumes everyday so yall can see em!!!
Saved With Amazing Grace